Shoplifting Lawyer in Oakland County, MI
Caught shoplifting?
There are numerous types of theft crimes, including when the stolen property is from a retail store. Shoplifting charges, also referred to as retail fraud in Michigan, are a serious concern that have the potential to lead to a jail sentence. Even if the amount you are accused of taking is low it is strongly encouraged that you seek legal representation immediately from our Oakland County criminal lawyer.
Retail Fraud in Michigan
The larceny laws of the state govern some of the potential outcomes of a conviction that will go on your record. The penalties that are imposed are dependent on the value of the stolen property. Repeat offenders can also eventually deal with harsher repercussions. When the value that is stolen is an amount lower than $200, a jail sentence of up to 93 days may be given. Fines can also include $500 or three times the worth of what was stolen. When the amount includes between $200 to $1,000 worth of property, then the penalties can include a year in jail and fines ranging from $2,000 or three times the amount that was allegedly taken.
Retail fraud comes in three degrees. Retail fraud in the first degree is covered under the Michigan Penal Code §750.356c. It states that a conviction may be made in three situations. The first is if a change is made to the price of an item for the purpose of paying at least $1,000 less. Another reason is if property is stolen that amounts to $1,000 or more while the store remains open for public use. The last reason includes if a person tries to gain a profit of $1,000 or greater through a refund for property that was never originally paid for. This is a felony that is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of $10,000. Call Long Law PLLC immediately after you or a loved one has been arrested so that we can begin building a defense in your case.
Successful Case Results
CHARGE: 2nd Offense OWI VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Assault and Battery VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Child Abuse VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Child Abuse / Neglect VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Embezzlement Over $20K VERDICT: Case Dismissed
CHARGE: Felony Domestic Violence VERDICT: Not Guilty
CHARGE: Habitual 4th Offender After a Heroin Relapse VERDICT: In-Patient Treatment & Probation
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated Verdict: Reduced Charge, No Jail / Probation
CHARGE: Operating While Intoxicated VERDICT: Case Dismissed